disavowal example sentences

Related (4): denial, renunciation, abjuration, repudiation

" disavowal" Example Sentences

1. The politician issued a public disavowal of the racist remarks.
2. Their disavowal of responsibility was seen as insincere and self-serving.
3. Many saw his supposed disavowal of violence as merely rhetorical.
4. After repeated apologies and disavowals, people were still unconvinced of his sincerity.
5. Her complete disavowal of her past beliefs angered many of her former supporters.
6. The organization issued a firm disavowal of the illegal actions of some rogue members.
7. His disavowal of any knowledge of the plan rang hollow.
8. The author's disavowal of the controversial passages in later editions failed to satisfy critics.
9. Critics saw the company's belated disavowal of the harmful chemical as an attempt at damage control.
10. Their unconditional disavowal of all terrorist activities reassured the anxious public.
11. The official public disavowal allowed the government to distance itself from the scandal.
12. They demanded a public disavowal of the offensive comments as a condition of continued support.
13. The king's timely disavowal of the plot averted a full-blown rebellion.
14. In his defiant disavowal of conventional morality, he shocked his listeners.
15. Despite repeated public disavowals, rumors of his involvement continued to circulate.
16. His disavowal of any romantic attachment was clearly insincere.
17. The crystal clear disavowal assuaged the public's anger and fears.
18. The politician's halfhearted disavowal of the controversial bill failed to convince voters.
19. The celebrities' unified public disavowal of the accusations helped to clear their names.
20. His forceful disavowal of extremist ideology persuaded many previously suspicious listeners.
21. Their emphatic disavowal of any connection to the crime went widely disbelieved.
22. After a long succession of disavowals, few believed her final admission of guilt.
23. The church's strong disavowal of the pastor's intolerant sermon reassured concerned members.
24. Her abrupt disavowal of the agreement shocked her business partners.
25. The judge's stern disavowal of any bias restored observers' confidence in a fair trial.
26. The celebrity's disavowal of the scandal left many fans unconvinced.
27. The complete disavowal of any responsibility shocked observers.
28. The senator's partial disavowal of his former policies rang hollow to many voters.
29 The staunch public disavowal of extremist rhetoric failed to assuage critics.
30. The police chief's reluctant disavowal of the officer's actions failed to satisfy protestors.
31. Their abrupt disavowal of the treaty outraged allies.
32. He issued a forthright disavowal of the harmful stereotypes.
33. The minister's ringing disavowal of racism reaffirmed her commitment to equality.
34. Their swift disavowal of the scandalous claims helped protect the company's reputation.
35. The research team's emphatic disavowal of scientific misconduct appears to have ended the controversy.
36. The president issued a forceful public disavowal of the alleged connections to enemy states.
37. The employee's apparent disavowal of company policy raised suspicions.
38. The politician's outright disavowal of his opponent's most controversial statements backfired badly.
39. The swift public disavowal prevented further damage to the campaign.
40. Her vehement disavowal of responsibility for the incident failed to dispel doubts.
41. The group's rapid disavowal of responsibility failed to convince authorities.
42. Her unprecedented public disavowal of long-held church doctrine rocked the religious community.
43. The artist's defiant disavowal of all moral concerns shocked critics.
44. The parent's ringing public disavowal of their child's actions helped limit negative attention.
45. The royal disavowal of the baron's demands prevented open revolt.
46. The ministry's complete disavowal of knowledge of human rights violations appeared disingenuous.
47. His failure to issue a firm public disavowal of terrorism hurt his political campaign.
48. The company's vague disavowal of responsibility satisfied few stakeholders.
49. His reluctant disavowal of extremist ideology failed to win over critics.
50. Their transparent disavowal of wrongdoing convinced few observers.
51. The spokesman's calculated disavowal of culpability fueled public outrage.
52. The witness's abrupt disavowal of her previous testimony undermined her credibility.
53. The politician's half-hearted disavowal of the offensive remarks fell flat.
54. The senator's half-hearted attempt at disavowal only drew more attention to the scandal.
55. His failure to issue a swift and decisive public disavowal of the affair hurt his professional standing.
56. The terrorist group's emphatic disavowal of responsibility failed to convince investigators.
57. His insincere public disavowal of any wrongdoing only increased suspicions of guilt.
58. The CEO's belated and hesitant disavowal of knowledge of illegal activities failed to reassure shareholders.
59. The president's weak public disavowal of the harmful policies alienated many supporters.
60. His inadequate public disavowal of white supremacist ideology undermined his political campaign.

Common Phases

1. The actor issued a public disavowal of the racist comments.
2. Despite the president's disavowal, many saw his comments as implicitly condoning the extremist group.
3. Her public disavowal of her father's actions did little to help her image.
4. After initial denials, the CEO finally issued an official statement of disavowal of the company's harmful practices.
5. The party leader issued a stern disavowal of any involvement in the scandal.
6. The senator's disavowal of his previous support for the policy rang hollow and insincere to many voters.
7. Her blanket disavowal of all responsibility did not help her case.
8. The brand manager demanded an immediate public disavowal from the influencer following her offensive remarks.
9. The spokesperson issued a swift disavowal of the rumors in the press release.
10. Many saw his disavowal of his past extremist views as calculated and politically expedient.
11. The disavowal of any knowledge of the illegal activity did little to help his defense.
12. Critics questioned the sincerity of his belated disavowal of his previous involvement with the hate group.
13. She faced public backlash for her tepid disavowal of the abusive remarks.
14. The minister's vague disavowal lacked credibility and conviction.
15. Her blunt disavowal of responsibility shocked her colleagues.
16. His unequivocal public disavowal of the inflammatory comments helped to defuse the situation.
17. His halfhearted disavowal was met with justified skepticism.
18. The board demanded a clear and strong disavowal of the unethical business practices.
19. Many saw the vague disavowal as an attempt to avoid taking a firm stance.
20. He issued an impassioned public disavowal of the allegations against him.
21. The politician's immediate and forceful disavowal of the offensive remarks likely saved his campaign.
22. The company issued a carefully worded disavowal in an attempt to distance itself from the controversy.
23. Critics saw his tortuous disavowal as lacking credibility and sincerity.
24. The journalist's vehement public disavowal of the accusations helped restore her reputation.
25. Following the scandal, the celebrity's blanket disavowal of any wrongdoing was met with skepticism.
26. His forceful public disavowal likely helped salvage his political career.
27. The official issued an emphatic disavowal of the controversial claims.
28. Many questioned the authenticity of his strategic disavowal of previously held beliefs.
29. The halfhearted disavowal did little to satisfy critics.
30. His swift and unequivocal disavowal helped mitigate the damage from the scandal.
31. Her angry disavowal was met with rolled eyes and shrugged shoulders.
32. The disavowal satisfied few and many saw it as a hollow attempt to save face.
33. His thoughtful, considered disavowal restored confidence in his leadership.
34. His vague disavowal lacked any sense of sincerity or remorse.
35. The government issued an unequivocal public disavowal of the human rights violations.
36. The tepid, qualified disavowal disappointed many supporters.
37. Her unconvincing disavowal failed to quell the controversy.
38. The minister's blanket disavowal of responsibility garnered criticism from all sides.
39. The witness's impassioned disavowal of any involvement in the crime failed to sway the jury.
40. Critics saw his reluctant disavowal as lacking conviction.
41. The organization demanded a clear and public disavowal of the affiliated group's extremist views.
42. The philosopher's nuanced disavowal of his earlier views impressed academics.
43. The public disavowal immediately placated critics and restored her reputation.
44. Many doubted the sincerity of his expedient disavowal of past views.
45. The politician's straightforward and forceful disavowal was seen as the only course of action that could save his reputation.
46. His blanket disavowal garnered little sympathy from victims.
47. Her passionate and unequivocal public disavowal helped exonerate her reputation.
48. The diplomat's well-crafted and nuanced disavowal of the accusations helped diffuse the political tensions.
49. Her tortuous justifications were at odds with her eventual blanket disavowal of responsibility.
50. The senator's qualified and conditional disavowal failed to convince skeptical voters.
51. The belated disavowal rang hollow and self-serving to many observers.
52. The president's measured and dignified disavowal helped restore national unity.
53. His blanket and unequivocal disavowal of any wrongdoing failed to satisfy investigators.
54. Many saw his vague and halfhearted disavowal as an attempt at damage control.
55. The justice campaign demanded an unequivocal public disavowal of past human rights abuses.
56. His reluctant disavowal satisfied few.
57. The company's blanket disavowal of responsibility enflamed protesters.
58. Her blanket disavowal of culpability rang hollow and self-serving.
59. Critics questioned the sincerity of the celebrity's strategic disavowal of controversial remarks.
60. His reluctant and half-hearted disavowal did little to satisfy concerned parents.

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